Monday 19 April 2021

Hospital pharmacy VS retail pharmacy

The workflow operations of a pharmacy are not as easy as they seem. It requires proper support and understanding of both front end pharmacy and back-end pharmacy processes. The proper working of both these areas is what ensures the workflow of pharmacy operations. The front-end process includes enrollment of the drug, verifying the insurance of the said drugs, entering the data about all the orders, and other related activities are done by the management team. On the other hand, the back-end process includes dispensing the drugs, making sure that the quality of the drugs is up to the mark (standard), and then includes the shipping of the drugs to their destination.


Every retail pharmacy or any other pharmacy includes all these processes. It is crucial that both these processes are taken care of or else, further processing may get disturbed. Be it front end pharmacy process or the back-end ones, both require technology solutions to make the whole process easier. Involving the latest technology in this workflow will not only be efficient but also be cost-effective.

For more information visit website through #Whatisaretailpharmacy?  

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