Tuesday, 5 January 2021

How to use Steroids?

There are cyclic organic compounds, which are based on the characteristic arrangement of carbon atoms that are 17 in number in a 4 ring structure. These compounds are calledSteroids. Their ring structure is formed by the biochemical processes, which is from the cyclization of the 30 carbon chain that is squalene into the cycloartenol or lanosterol.

  • There are hundreds of different types of them, which are found abundantly in animals, plants, and fungi. Steroids are of prime importance in life at many levels, they are given for bile acid, cholesterol, and drugs, for example as anti-inflammatory agents.
  • They are further classified into distinct types which are based upon different means of classification. But are considered by considering the substituent group which is at the carbon 17. There are five major categories of them.


Uses of Steroids are including treatment of breast cancer, the important significant role in spermatogenesis, they lead to an increase in the mass of muscle tissue, because of increased protein synthesis.

  • They are also significantly helpful in decreasing body fat percentage along with the strengthening of muscles and increased power.

For more information visit website through #WhatareSteroids

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